about us
We are Swing and Blues passionate, the music, the culture, the dances that emerged from them (Blues, Lindy hop, Balboa, Vernacular Jazz). We have changed our lifes to devote our time to them. We focus on studying them every day, to keep improving daily, as teachers and as dancers. In 2013 our pathways cross and our shared passion lead us to create Big Mama Swing in Madrid (an institute dedicated to swing and blues in Madrid) and also to work together as international dance partners and keep traveling together. This couple has lead us to work all over the world, from Melbourne (Ej. Hullabaloo -for lindy hop- to Melbourne -Blues after sunrise) to New York (Nocturne Blues), and above all and mainly all over Europe. Just to name a couple of important events among them: Herrang Dance Camp (3 editions, both lindy and slow dance), Snowball (slow dance), Lindy shock (Lindy).
Our dance and way of teaching
Our style and our way ot teaching is alive. We keep growing and maturing. Our way of dancing seeks to express ourselves, without forgetting the couple connection. We look for 2 individuals that shape one communication, a constant diaglogue in the dance, with clear roles, but without a hierarchy. We have our hearts in the 30s, and our head in the present. Our source of inspiration are the 30s clips, the balroom dances of the 2000 and the music of all times and shapes.
Our pedagogy looks for the most natural way to dance this music. We highlight the importance of the music and the culture behind it. We prefer little technique than too much, and above all a lot of music played. We search for the essence of the movement in the rhythm, in all the dances that we teach (Lindy, Blues, Balboa, solo jazz, charleston..etc)
We adapt to the diferent context and settings of the classes, to the different students searches and objectives. We thoroughly try to attend to the different ways of learning.
We teach social dancing in the mayority of our classes, but we love to cover different objectives like pedagogy to teachers, competition and show, coreography, etc. We like to renovate ourselves and try new material, and are allways looking for new ways of conveying it and teaching it.
our objectives
To inspire all who watch us dance, to all who decide to learn from us.
To be authentic in how we dance and how we teach and transmit our knowledge. From the moment we step on a stage, we want to tell the truth that we feel and live when we dance.
To improve constantly, as dancers, teachers, artists and above all as woman and man of jazz.
what we teach
From 2013 we work together to teach Lindy hop, Blues, Balboa and Solo Jazz. Since then we have taught more than 3000 hours together. Internationally we have taught all these styles from Melbourne to New york. In Madrid we teach regularly at our Big Mama swing, a school that we founded together,and that we consider to be more than a school, an institute of Swing.